Black Tea | Lapsang Souchong |Wuyi Mountain Fujian Black Tea |武夷山岩茶 |手工制茶 | 正山小种 | Airtight Tea Tins
Ingredient: Lapsang Souchong, Loose Leaf Teas packaged in an airtight tea tin canister
Available in 50g and 100g packing sizes
When you’re seeking a populair black tea, you’ve to start with teas from the Wuyi Mountain area (Fujian Province). This region can be considered the Mekka of black tea. The single most popular black tea in China is the Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong (or ‘Lapsang Souchong’). Delicate, long evenly twisted black tea leaves from the famous Wuyi Mountain in Fujian, China. Reputed to be one of the world’s oldest and most distinctive black teas. Comes with two variations.
(1) Traditional Lapsang
(2) Smoky Lapsang – with the smoked flavour with mellow & rich smooth taste, with notes of caramel
采摘的时候,严格按照一芽一 二叶的鲜叶标准,做茶前还会进行二次筛选,原料上也做到要层层把关。经过萎凋、揉捻、发酵、烘干等,每一步都是手工上阵