White Tea | 福鼎白茶 Fuding White Tea| White Silver Needles| 白毫银针 Bai Hao Yin Zhen| 福鼎高山白茶 | 春茶头采 Spring Harvest | 日嗮传统
Discover and explore Fuding White Tea with Tea Heritage, Trusted Brand for Chinese Tea at your comfort home. We hope that through our extensive curated Fuding White Tea, you will find the white tea that best suit your tea palette. White tea is most of us favourite teas. It can be enjoyed by all ages and a tea that is even suitable for young children.
Our extensive Fuding White Tea selection begins with the very first spring handpicking – Bai Hao Yin Zhen (purely silvery buds) to the subsequent second/third spring handpicking – Mu Dan Wang and Bai Mu Dan (One bud and one/two leaf) and thereafter Shou Mei and Gong Mei. Shop the different white tea grades with Tea Heritage, trusted brand for Chinese Tea. All Fuding white teas are graded from China following strict industry standards. You will see the respective white tea grading clearly indicated in it’s tea packaging.
In White Tea, the more aged the tea is– a measure from it’s year of harvest to today, the more years will be more valuable in terms of its medicinal value and it’s taste profile. As the tea age, it’s taste will become more smoother and fuller/thicker, the consistency of the tea can be described similar in texture to a double-boiled chicken soup.
A general rule for white tea: “一年茶,三年宝,七年药”.
Our white teas are available in loose leaf or compressed tea. The loose leaf teas are packaged in our signature Tea Heritage’s Tea Tin that is airtight and easy for storage. You can safely consume and conveniently store the remaining tea leaves in the airtight tea tin for subsequent usage without worry. It is compact and small that fits nicely in your tea cupboard. The compressed tea are packaged in a beautiful wooden tea box that is great for gifting as well as storage for later consumption.
Fuding White Tea | White Silver Needle | 白毫银针
Weight: 50g
Packed in Our Tea Heritage Tea Tin
(1) 2018 Aged White Silver Needles Premium Quality | 2018 | 白毫银针 | 特级
头采中期,豪香密韵,茉莉回甜,可可香, 老银针 比较醇厚,甜蜜口感
It is the first picking grade of white tea, purely tea buds. The high proportion of white furry buds gives the tea a sweet, succulent flavour and plenty of nutrients. Full of antioxidants and help expel body heat and toxins.
消炎老银针 效果会比较好
1.银针 :100度上水 要以环壁注水的方式,让热水从杯底慢慢浸润银针 免使芽头上的毫毛过度脱落,影响其滋味及香气,更会影响到它的耐泡性。新手.新茶建议90度左右。2.牡丹:95度左右水注入后,冲泡白牡丹,出汤速度要快!大概5~7秒出汤 。3.寿眉:冲泡时水温要以沸水冲泡,前几道茶汤快出水,后几道可适当延长冲泡的时间。.前三泡出水要快大概5秒左右,从第四泡、第五泡开始坐杯,坐杯的时间大约是10s,往后每泡增加10s。