White Tea | 福鼎白茶 Fuding White Tea| White Peony Tea|白牡丹饼茶|Compressed Teacake 350g
This White Tea is the second/third pickings grade of white tea after Silver Needles (i.e. purely tea buds), and comprises one-bud-two-leaves picking. White tea is the least processed tea, hence contain high levels of antioxidants.
White Peony Tea helps to quench thirst and help expel body heat and toxins.
Whole Tea cake comes packaged in wooden tea box, great for gifting.
Great for a precious gift (as peonies symbolise wealth) or for a treasure collectible to keep for it’s aged profile. The aged the better. A sweet-floral tasting tea, with a sweet fragrance and a herbaceous flavour that mellows and deepens with age.
Available in compressed tea cake.
(1) 2016 福鼎磻溪 荒野 350g Whole
福鼎磻溪2016白茶 茶汤透亮清澈, 口感;陈香密韵, 入口顺滑,甘甜
炎熱天气,最佳茶飲~白牡丹 白茶,男女老少,小孩都可以喝的一款茶!
一款清雅 潤喉 而且生津解渴 好喝, 天天可喝的茶!适合夏天喝 口感清爽 清热解毒